
Guidelines For Importing Japan Used Cars To Antigua And Barbuda: Rules And Procedures

Check all the key points related to import rules, regulations, policies, documentations, duties and taxes, inspections, restrictions, shipping ports, etc. which you should keep in mind while importing Used Cars from Japan to Antigua And Barbuda 

Procedure to clear vehicle from customs: 

1) The Importer/Broker will prepare the warrant i.e. Customs Declaration Form using the invoice and Bill of Lading.

2) Once the warrant has been submitted to the transit shed a valuation officer will examine the vehicle to verify the cost of vehicle, and the quantity and type of refrigerant.

3) When the valuation has been completed the refrigerant form will be taken by the importer/broker to the National Ozone Office for approval and documentation.

4) The next step is collecting the Environmental Levy form from the Environmental Protection Unit. Waiver of Environmental Levy determined based on the age of vehicle.

5) The warrants along with the supporting documents listed above can now be submitted to Customs for processing and collecting of applicable duties and taxes.

6) Once payment has been made, the Importer/Broker will take the warrant to be stamped by the Port Authority, which is located at Deep Water Harbour. The warrant is then taken by the Importer/Broker to the Deep Water Harbour Transit Shed, where the Customs Officer will verify the payment was made, the documents are then stamped and release to port authority, which is responsible for releasing the vehicle from the port.

Returning Nationals: 

Nationals returning to Antigua and Barbuda who living abroad for ten years or more will be regarded as ‘returning nationals’, and eligible for duty free importation of one vehicle, provided that the vehicle owned for at least two years.

Consideration will be given to the special circumstances of the returning individuals and their probable contribution towards the nation building. Returning nationals are also exempted from Antigua and Barbuda Sales Tax (ABST) charges on a vehicle which has been owned by them for at least a year prior to its importation and is used for personal purposes.

Used Cars Import Duties And Taxes In Antigua And Barbuda

The duties and taxes paid determined by the applicable Tariff Code and the Customs Procedure Code (CPC).

VAT-15% of the total value of the vehicle.

Customs Duty- utmost 60% depending on the CIF of the vehicle.

Environmental Levy imposed- $6000.
